-2 duck legs
-2-3 cups of olive oil
-1 tbsp dried herbs (thyme and/or rosemary)
-Salt and pepper
1. Generously salt and pepper the duck legs and leave to cure overnight in the fridge
2. Rinse the duck legs and dry thoroughly with paper towel. Place into an oven proof dish with the dry herbs and cover with the olive oil. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 F for 8-9 hours or until the meat is easily pierced by a knife.
3. Remove the duck legs from the oil and refrigerate the legs and oil in separate containers. Once cooled the oil will separate from the duck drippings. The oil will be the top layer, you can keep the duck drippings for gravy making purposes. Scoop off the oil into a sauce pan and heat over gentle heat. Strain the warmed oil over the duck pieces and they can be stored like this for months.4. When you want to serve the duck, remove from the oil and scrape off any excess. In a non stick and oven proof pan start frying the duck skin-side down until golden grown. Flip over the pieces and bake in a 350 F oven for 15 minutes.
5. Shred the duck or serve whole.
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