What is so special about organic beef you ask? In our opinion the flavour is more intense, the texture is usually more tender and in general it just feels like you're eating beef as opposed to the shrink-wrapped, watery meat that you get at a lower price. I don't want to come off sounding like a beef snob, but when it comes to special occasions where steak is on the menu, you just feel more satisfied going with the higher quality organic beef even if the price is higher. 
Overall - 8/10
Food - 8/10
Service - 8.5/10
Ambiance 9/10
Khao San Thai Kitchen on Urbanspoon

This year in our garden we chose to focus more on herbs and tomatoes as opposed to the beets, carrots and chard that we usually grow. One of our favourite herbs so far this season is the Thai basil. Its similar to regular basil but purple tinged and more fragrant. This recipe makes use of this delicious herb and was inspired by a dish we recently had at Juree's Thai Place. Aside from the basil the other star ingredient has to be the fish sauce which adds a nice fishy savouriness to the dish.